We all want the perfect curl, open & expressive look! Be irresistible. RefectoCil LashPerm Eyelash Curl gives a look, that’s breathtaking but natural. It curls lashes and lets eyes appear bigger. The look becomes more open and styled perfectly around the clock! This service is ideal for clients who have naturally decent lashes but want a little extra oomph without the maintenance of extensions.
The RefectoCil LashPerm Eyelash Curl Kit with collagen and cysteine gives to lashes a wonderful curl, letting the eyes appear larger and more expressive. The eyelashes are nurtured during the application. Unlike mechanical lash curlers, the RefectoCil Eyelash Curl gently forms the eyelashes with the curl lasting up to 6 weeks.
Watch the video: RefectoCil Eyelash Curl in minutes!
A RefectoCil LashPerm Eyelash Curl is a new keratin infused lash enhancement treatment. It turns the eyelashes upwards and adds tint to give them length, height, volume, and the appearance of having longer and thicker lashes. It's basically a combination of a tint and perm at the same time. It adds the color of a lash tint to match your skin tone and the long-lasting curl of a lash perm for height and length. The keratin infusion will feed the lashes and strengthen them.
RefectoCil LashPerm is similar to a perm to hair. The treatment is designed to give the client’s lashes a natural curl that can make the eyes look brighter and more alert. This is perfect for clients who love the look of a curled lash, but who don’t like applying false lashes or heavy mascara every day.
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